
Development and Validation of the Causes and Impacts Assessment of Farm Stress Scale

This current study aims to summarise the development of our new Causes and Impacts Assessment of Farm Stress Scale.  This short survey gathers data to check if the scale is working in the way in which we hope.

Understanding the Role of Women in UK Farming 

The research aimed to gather data about the roles undertaken by women involved in farming in the UK, and to determine the effects of the roles on mental well-being. 

Data collection has now finished and work is ongoing to analyse the results.

Full details of the study can be found on the Open Science Framework.

Understanding the causes of stress in UK Farming

It is proposed that a novel current farm specific measure of stress be constructed for validation as part of a future study.  To enable this measure to be adequately designed, it is first necessary to ensure that the causes of stress in farming have been fully understood.   This short survey gathers data to inform our future scale.